Los Seres Humanos

Arana has been a point of contention amongst the Grameen Bank operators since the inception of the new center. In physical distance, it is only a few blocks and two bus rides away. However, it couldn’t be further away in emotional and mental distance.

Arana was not always as rural and still as it is now. The abandoned offices were once milling with people. Factories turned profits and trains sped by on their ways to all-important destinations. But Argentina is a vibrant and dynamic country. Arana couldn’t have expected it to stay still forever. But when Argentina’s political and economic climates changed drastically, the factories failed to adjust.

The now closed and abandoned shell of a factory now stands as an ominous portent of the risks of failing to progress. Yet, the people who occupy the area fail to heed it; they are quick to close their hearts and minds at the first sign of change or trouble and are slow to explore and discuss possible solutions. Yet, oddly enough, all of this town that is so set in its ways closes for the formal presentation of the presidential candidate, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, the wife of current President Néstor Kirchner, who is attempting to ride on the coattails of the much loved Eva Perón. Aside from having been Argentina’s First Lady at one point in time, the two couldn’t be any more different. Fernández lacks the heart for the humble that was the driving force behind Evita, her benevolence, and her popularity. Yet it was precisely for this announcement that all of the humble community of Arana, its schools, and businesses closed.

It is undoubtedly an estranged area. However, the people in it are still los seres humanos, and in this commonality we find the ability to relate to them, commiserating with them in their difficulties, and rejoicing in their successes. It’s an odd thing, this commonality that transcends not only city lines, but social classes, religious sects, and political lines, as well. And sometimes, for one to be able to interact on a meaningful level with those who appear to be the others, one must only see and respect this commonality. Most of the time, this respect is all “they” want and need.

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